Emily K. Carian

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Assistant Professor of Teaching

Department of Sociology

University of California - Irvine

I design and teach undergraduate courses, including introduction to sociology, social psychology, the sociology of gender, and masculinities, and direct the undergraduate honors program. I research why gender inequality is so persistent, focusing on masculinity and male supremacism and cultural beliefs about gender. Using qualitative and quantitative methods, I examine the mechanisms that sustain gender inequality across a variety of contexts and populations. My book, Good Guys, Bad Guys: The Perils of Men’s Gender Activism, explores these themes through in-depth interviews with men who identify as feminists and men who identify as men’s rights activists.

I grew up in the the Coachella Valley in Southern California. I have a Bachelor's degree in Sociology from Dartmouth College, a Master's degree in Urban Education Policy and Administration from Loyola Marymount University, and a Master's and doctoral degree in Sociology from Stanford University.