Now available from NYU Press
Good Guys, Bad Guys: The Perils of Men’s Gender Activism explores how men across the political spectrum become mobilized for gender activism. Using in-depth interviews, I compare the trajectories of men who identify as feminists and men who identify as men’s rights activists. Despite their engagement in two very different movements, both groups are motivated by the same desire: to be seen as good men. This relatively self-centered motivation invests men’s rights activists in an antifeminist and misogynist movement and prevents feminist men from engaging meaningfully with efforts to challenge gender inequality.
Praise for Good Guys, Bad Guys
"Good Guys, Bad Guys is a landmark text on U.S. men’s gender politics. Through in-depth interviews with feminist men and men’s rights activists, Emily K. Carian helps us understand why gender inequality is so pernicious and persistent—it is inscribed onto our identities and shapes the ways we define ourselves and our gender politics." —Tristan Bridges, co-author of Exploring Masculinities: Identity, Inequality, Continuity, and Change
"Engaging, original, and theoretically incisive, Good Guys, Bad Guys moves the discussion of men’s relationship with gender activism to a new level of sophistication. I highly recommend it." —James W. Messerschmidt, author of Hegemonic Masculinity: Formulation, Reformulation, and Amplification
"Feminists: don’t pass on this book. While giving voice to the privileged might seem at odds with feminist sensibilities, Carian’s insightful study of feminist men and men’s rights activists takes a fresh look at the old adage to ‘know thy enemy.’ It turns out that the ‘good’ guys are actually bad (or at least limited), and the ‘bad’ guys are actually trying to be good. An analysis of these guys’ views is maddening at times but useful nonetheless: harnessing men’s desires to be ‘good’ just might bring a few of them in as true partners for gender equality." —Rachel Einwohner, co-editor of The Oxford Handbook of U.S. Women's Social Movement Activism
"Good Guys, Bad Guys provides a detailed and thoughtful account of why and how men become gender activists. Carian’s interviews with male feminists and men’s rights activists demonstrate that they have much more in common than we might think. Despite being divided by what they believe, both want to be seen as good. Anyone interested in how we might encourage men to show up more effectively for feminism should read this book." —Adrienne Massanari, author of Gaming Democracy: How Silicon Valley Leveled Up the Far-Right
Media Coverage
Ferrera, Angelica. 2025. “Good Guys, Bad Guys”: Feminist Men, MRAs, and the Quest for Moral Redemption.” Gender News, February 11.
Conger, Cristen. 2024. “Good Guy Feminism.” Unladylike Podcast, released November 19.
2024. “Good Guys, Bad Guys: The Perils of Men’s Gender Activism.” Faculti, February 7.